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2015 Winning Employers

The Commuter Connections 2015 Employer Recognition Awards recognized the Washington DC region’s top employers for creating programs that encourage alternative transportation use for their employees. The winners collectively reduced more than 3.5 million vehicle miles traveled this year. We would like to congratulate the following 2015 winners of their respective categories:

Incentive Award- Opower

Presenter: Gwen Wright, Maryland‐National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Winner: Jennifer Toole, Toole Design Group

Emcee: Charles Allen, Councilmember District of Columbia

Marketing Award - MITRE


Emcee: Charles Allen, Councilmember District of Columbia

Winner: Nick Amatuzzi, MITRE

Presenter: Courtney Menjivar, Wells + Associates

Telework Award - United Educators


Presenter: Nina Madoo, Nina Madoo Consulting

Winner: June Stacey, United Educators

Emcee: Charles Allen, Councilmember District of Columbia
